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Painting with Light

David Bell's profile picture
Posts: 65

11 February 2024, 17:49

Hello everyone

Tomorrow I will have a handout outline of sessions for the 6 weeks. But you are welcome to browse ahead here on art group home page. (You don't need to login to make this link be visible.)

Besides the PDF there is an example of how the ideas get applied not from a photo but in the print-making I do. 

You will see better when we meet tomorrow.

If you have a white oil or chalk pastel do bring it along. And/or a charcoal stick.

It's not necessary but the order of doing things can be varied. Meantime I have all necessary scrap paper and enough charcoal sticks to go round. 

I might be a fraction late, maybe about 9:35 but hope to be on time.

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